Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Ingredients to Relational Success

Being at your best every day at in relationships is not complicated. In Sales, you must first physically take care of yourself. You cannot have a six pack and a pizza every night and be on your A-Game every morning.

Mentally and physically, here is how to maximize opportunity, especially if you sell for a living.

1. Come to work to work; socialize at work only for the benefit of the sale and the customer.
2. Have a definable plan. Goals and objectives are essential.
3. Know your product and services better than anyone else; what is in stock and what is coming.
4 Always be there to lead, help and serve. The customer notices servant leadership.
5. Actively listen with minimum distraction. Be very active, have eye contact, and lean into the conversation.
6. Never have anything less than a POSITIVE attitude from within you. Anything else is unacceptable.

People buy from smiling, listening, organized, energetic, and knowledgeable individuals who want to win for them.

People buy from people like themselves.

Now you are ready for agreement selling. Google "agreement selling" and you will find very little information. It is based on saying YES (Yields Excellence & Success) and is integral to VTR Consulting LLC Sales Training. The customer usually has a problem that needs what we call Opportunity Conversion. Once the problem becomes an opportunity for both you and the customer, regardless of product or service, closing ratio is greatly increased and happiness becomes an objective.

None of this is rocket science, Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford, or brain surgery. If you do everything right, there usually is nothing left. It is so simple that we often don't think it will work. Our base human tendency to OVERTHINK is the biggest challenge in any relationship, no matter if it is personal or professional.

It is the responsibility of all of us to bring process that makes clear and definable results. Everything must be definable, measurable, trainable, and do-able, or we should not do it. Relationship success, especially in sales, is a math game NOT a numbers game. Making your numbers are much easier than creating the strategy to make the numbers. VTR calls this SELL-gebra. You sell in an equation of both variables and constants, and things must equal and balanced for both you and the customer to move forward.

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