Saturday, March 28, 2009


3-28-09 Apex, NC... We all want our businesses to grow, both small and large. But it is the LITTLE things done in a BIG way that often puts us ahead of the competition. How are your customers greeted? How are your front-line people dressed? How are your customers rewarded for their loyalty? Are your people paid enough? Are your products and services clearly priced and labeled? Is your inventory ever changing? Is your team awake when a customer is within 20 feet of your door? Are "issues" handled in public or private? How are your turnover and recruiting? Are your hours competitive?

These are the little things that add up in a big way when you put answers to them. I do not care if you sell cars or ice cream, or if you service air conditioners or HUMMERS; does not make a lick of difference.

Pay attention to your people and your customers in a positive, caring way and involve them in what you are all about. Your profit is the BYPRODUCT of your process.

This ain't rocket science. We are not brain surgeons, or Rhodes Scholar graduates. But we are doing the LITTLE things in a BIG way...

Happy selling!

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