Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Voice of the Mountains

Hi everybody,

We are waiting for the Mountain to speak... The one on the big Hill, the Senate. Will GM and Chrysler get the bridge loan they must have to stay competitive in the waning moments of the 4th Quarter through the 1st Quarter 2009? As a small business tied to the car industry I hope so. Here is an interesting scenario about the American Public... Since mid-September, fueled by the craziness of the election, the media, and the fiscal spiral, people have stopped spending. Sure they buy gas and food. And yes they are buying for Christmas albeit less than probably ever, but HABITS do not change. Once the emotion shifts to positive, and much of what the stock market is still doing is driven by as much emotion as speculation, people will return to their pre-September buying. If you have been holding off buying a dryer or a car, once Mr. Obama takes office, you will buy the dryer or the car. The cool thing about humans is that we are human...
It is all cyclical... A little confidence will make 2009 much better than 2008.

On New Year's Eve, do not party like its 1929!!! It is 2009!!! Head into the new year with a positive focus...


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