Thursday, February 5, 2009

Custer's Not So Last Stand

2-5-08 Apex, NC... I had the privilege of listening to Scott Custer, CEO of RBC Bank, yesterday at NC. St. His presentation was part of the Lecture Series in the School of Management. I knew that if I could learn one thing, it would be well worth it.

Here is what he said... There are three reasons for corporate failure. The first is losing touch with your constituents. The second is losing sight of the market and the market conditions. The third is having a complex bureacracy.

I believe the car business often meets these criteria; but as he was speaking, I immediately thought of CONGRESS. Big Time. Think about it; it is not a giant leap.

Here are Mr. Custer's keys to success... Get along with everyone. Find your nitch. have common sense. Put fundamentals in place. Make grounded decisions. Have integrity and ethics. Focus on knowledge-based opportunity. Change non-productive behaviors. Be forward thinking. Stay ahead of the innovation curve.

Happy selling!

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